This page is a simple list of links to sites on the internet that we think are of interest to boat modellers. We have a separate page for suppliers that our members have used to buy stuff.
- Model Boat Mayhem, extensive forum from the U.K. Lots to search for.
- R.C. Forums Canada, covering all forms of radio control models.
- AMYA, the American Model Yacht Association, the world of racing radio sailing.
- CRYA, the Canadian Radio Yachting Association, to get in touch with our local model sail racers.
- Model Boats Magazine, a British monthly magazine. A digital subscription also gets you access to 13 years of back issues. Value!
-, huge site about U-boats and the Battle of the Atlantic.
- RAF Boats, terrific on fast patrol boats.
- RC Groups, another huge forum resource.
- Marine Modeller International, the rival magazine to Model Boats.
- The Model Shipwright, a magnificent website, including free download plans of the great old steam tug Hercules.
- Confederation Marine Modellers, a model boat club very similar to our own, with a beautifully laid out website.
- North West RC Ship Modellers, a very active club in Seattle.
- Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers, great club in Vancouver.
- Western Mariner Magazine. It’s about the local industrial scene, but it does some great history articles, and the tech is forever interesting.
- Nanaimo Boat Modellers, our model boat neighbours and friends. Long may they prosper.
- Ship in a Bottle. A page about making up the Boy Scouts of America kit (Raingutter kit). Thanks to Noah and Hannah Miller.